Aartsen Fruit & Vegetables

Realization of new website

To overview
Aartsen Fruit & Vegetables - Realization of new website

The challenge

The previous website of Aartsen was outdated both visually and technically and needed replacement. It no longer aligned with the renewed strategy and corporate identity and did not sufficiently contribute to the goals.

Aartsen asked LiveWall to help renew the website so that they can move forward with it for several more years!



Aartsen Fruit & Vegetables - Realization of new website
Aartsen Fruit & Vegetables - Realization of new website

The concept

After the design process, during which we collaborated with Aartsen to develop a solid User Experience (UX) & User Interface (UI) design, we built the website and equipped it with a modern and scalable headless CMS. This gives Aartsen much more flexibility to create, format, and manage pages according to their preferences.

An integration with their ATS ensures the display of the right job vacancies, so that not only partners, suppliers, and customers but also potential new employees can be enthused.

Aartsen Fruit & Vegetables - Realization of new website
Aartsen Fruit & Vegetables - Realization of new website

The objective

To further promote the Aartsen Fruit & Vegetables brand and their proposition "The international gateway for fresh fruit and vegetables" with a good online representation of the company.


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