Our areas of expertise

User Experience Design

User experience is what a person experiences while interacting with a product. In our case, that's a digital experience. Think of visiting a website or an app, but also as part of or supplement to a physical product. UX Design goes beyond just the online world. It is up to us to ensure that the experience matches the user's needs as closely as possible.

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Design Thinking

We use Design Thinking methods to set up an optimal UX design process. Within Design Thinking you use a period of time to properly understand the stakeholders and the target group. Then we quickly switch to prototyping. Within those prototypes we try to achieve a concrete proposal in very short design sprints. After this, testing is very important.

Testing and validating

To test is to know. In many cases we test together with a board of end users. Testing can also be done in a real-life setting with an A/B test. We immediately apply the insights gained in the end product.

Design Thinking Steps

We follow different steps throughout the Design Thinking process:

1. Understand: we want to understand the target audience and their wishes. 

2. Research: we research other examples and all the market trends. 

3. Sketch: we quickly outline the experience that the user goes through.

4. Design: we design the whole process. That happens in several iterations. 

5. Implementation: together we will work on implementing the changes. 

6. Evaluate: together we analyze the results and see if the new user experience is received well.

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