
The beauty of gamification: building brand loyalty through emotional and social connections

To overview
The beauty of gamification: building brand loyalty through emotional and social connections

In today's hyperconnected world, brand loyalty seems like a mythical beast—everyone talks about it, but no one quite knows how to tame it. As part of our mission at LiveWall, we aim to demystify this elusive concept, going beyond the transactional, focusing on the emotional connections that truly drive brand loyalty.

Understanding Loyalty

Loyalty is more than just having a stack of cards or apps that grant points or privileges. Recent studies show that people, on average, are subscribed to 13 loyalty programs, yet they feel genuinely loyal to just one or two. Meaning they prefer the brand over others with similar offerings, promotions or prices. This discrepancy reveals an essential truth: True brand loyalty is not built on transactional relationships, but emotional ones. 

Historically, loyalty has been crucial for survival, fostering strong social bonds in ancient tribes. Today, this age-old instinct drives brand loyalty. We trust brands that consistently deliver, provide positive experiences in every touchpoint, have and act according to strong values that resonate with us, and provide customers with extra value—be it in the form of coupons, exclusive offers, or a simple birthday greeting.

However, a vital aspect that often gets overlooked is commitment. It's not always about what a brand can give, but also what a customer can contribute. When a customer invests effort in a brand, even when it is very small, it establishes trust. They are invested in the relationship, proving that loyalty isn't a one-way street.

Strategies to Foster Loyalty

At LiveWall, we build brand loyalty through three strategic pillars—Engage, Learn, and Personalize. We encourage brands to nurture meaningful relationships with their audience, learn about their preferences and habits, and use these insights to provide a personalized and engaging experience.

A significant part of the 'Engage' pillar is gamification. Over the years, we've utilized various forms of gamification, such as branded games, physical activations, and interactive experiences, to engage fans. These strategies have proven to increase customer lifetime value, reduce churn, and thus driving sales.

One powerful example of this was the Ed Sheeran album release campaign. We created a game where users had to collect 14 butterflies—one for each track on his album—for a chance to meet Ed Sheeran. This campaign didn't just drive album sales, but it also deepened fans' connection with the singer and stay engaged with him for a long period of time..

The Magic of Gamification

The beauty of gamification lies in its ability to stimulate the release of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins—chemicals that make us feel good and influence our decision-making. Games can act as a catalyst, creating positive experiences with your brand and driving an emotional connection that eventually fosters loyalty.

At LiveWall, we believe that loyalty is about more than earning points or achieving targets; it's about emotionally engaging customers and fostering a sense of community. Through our strategies, we help brands not just 'chase cool,' but build genuine, lasting connections with their audiences. 

Remember, your brand isn't just about what you sell—it's about the values you uphold, the experiences you provide, and the relationships you foster. So, focus on building loyalty through genuine connections and watch your brand grow. After all, as we always say at LiveWall, a good flood raises all boats. And in this context, a flood of positive emotions and experiences will undoubtedly raise all aspects of your brand loyalty.

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